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Don't sweat the small stuff, do sweat the important details no matter how small and learn to tell the difference.

Find your passion. Spend the rest of your life defining it.

If you want to do something, but are afraid you can't do it...try it anyway. If you want to do it bad enough you'll find a way.

New Media Central is dedicated to the revolution that is taking place in America. This revolution is like other revlolutions in our country's past...We are Americans and when the insanity gets to a point where a majority of us feel like, "This isn't right", we buck the system and get things back on track. This is happening right now. There are so many things going on, right now, in this country that don't pass the smell test specifically, Big Government, Big Business and the mainstream media that willingly spew propaganda about those two entities trying to make all Americans feel that everything is fine and we are on the right path. Nothing could be further from the truth and we know it.

Our aim, at New Media Central, is to make available, all the information needed to further this cause and this revolution and save this country from its current leadership in Washington DC. We believe that our country's leaders are moving this country in a direction that is in opposition to what the people of this country want. The Will Of The People is still the law in this country and we intend to ensure it remains the top priority for all elected officials.

We keep our ears the ground at all times, keeping abreast of things others are saying and doing and we publish a podcast each week with our commentary. You can find the podcasts on this site, just click here or on the "Podcasts" button in the upper left side of this page. You can also find them on itunes.

This seems like it could be scary...A REVOLUTION? It's not's exciting. You might be thinking of your high school text book images of previous revolutions that have occured throughout history. Almost always there are men and women with guns and swords, risking their lives for what they believe in. This time around we will be using this medium and there is hope for a peaceful revolution. Be aware however, if it comes to it, we will to pull those guns and swords out and use them.